How to donate

Click on this Just Giving link.

By cheque or postal orders made out to:
Treasurer, Oxford Breast Buddy Group, 55B Wood Street, Wallingford OX10 0AY

You can also donate via online banking, as follows:
Oxford Breast Buddy Group
Bank: Barclays, Account Number: 83616231, Sort code: 20-01-09

If you are a UK taxpayer and are making a donation which is not via JustGiving, please download and complete the single donation Gift Aid form and email it to
This means Oxford Breast Buddy Group can claim back 25p every time an individual donates £1 to the charity.

Legacy donation

Remembering OBBG in your will is an excellent way to support out work. 

Charitable legacies are exempt from inheritance tax so your full gift will help support other OBBG members.

Make fundraising fun. Here are some ideas to inspire you

Afternoon tea
Cheese and chutney board
Arts & Craft sale
Bingo night
Tombola hour
Lucky bucket
Homemade pickles and preserves/soaps/hand creams
Knitted and sewing merchandise
Car washing

Dress down days
Coin collection
Bring and Buy Sale
Clothes swap
Comedy night
Fancy dress days
Coffee mornings
Cup of soup at lunchtime
Running a race
Golf days

Guess the name of…
How many sweets in a jar
Jewellery making workshops
Open garden
Pamper evenings
Uniform free days
Yoga session
Treasure hunt

Please tell us what you are planning

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Don’t forget to share your fundraising event

Don’t forget to share your fundraising event on social media and let us know to upload this to our website. Tell us your story and why you are doing this….

A very big THANK YOU to our donors and our regular fundraisers

For more information about what we offer and group membership, please contact us

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