OBBG’s Admin, Lauren, gives her view on how Oxford Breast Buddy Group’s (OBBG) work has been affected by the COVID 19 pandemic and how we’ve risen to the challenge and evolved in response

OBBG’s Admin, Lauren, gives her view on how Oxford Breast Buddy Group’s (OBBG) work has been affected by the COVID 19 pandemic and how we’ve risen to the challenge and evolved in response

MARCH 2020 NEWS HEADLINES: PANIC! SUPERMARKET SHELVES EMPTY! GP/HOSPITALS OPEN FOR URGENT SURGERY AND ESSENTIAL VISITS ONLY! PANDEMIC! LOCKDOWN!!! What now?! First, our Trustees and Committee met to discuss the importance of supporting our members throughout lockdown,...
Living with secondary Breast Cancer

Living with secondary Breast Cancer

My name is Anna, I’m 53, a mother of two boys, a Trustee and founding member of OBBG, and I have been living with secondary breast cancer (BC) – cancer that has spread to other organs – since 2017. My BC story started out in late 2012 with a triple positive...